It's a known fact that no matter what roulette system, betting pattern or winning strategies do you use, you cannot overcome the house edge (which is 2.7% on a French Roulette or 5.26% on an American Roulette).
However, roulette gamblers, even online roulette players, prefer to use a set betting pattern, instead of randomly put their chips on the roulette table layout.
Apart from the various roulette betting systems (such as the Martingale, orthe D'Alembert), one of the most popular roulette betting strategies is to use more than one inside bets. This way, roulette players can make bets that cover multiple numbers, so they can play online roulette longer, retaining a reasonable chance of gaining some wins.
Roulette2000 provides here one of the most popular of these online roulette betting patterns, the so-called Double Street Quad Strategy.
With this roulette strategy, you will make two double street bets along with a quad or corner bet and a straight up bet (if you aren't familiar with these terms, you should learn online roulette rules). This way, you will cover 17 numbers out of the 36 on the roulette table layout, and there won't be more than five adjacent uncovered slots on the wheel.
According to this roulette betting pattern, you should bet 2 units on the two double-street bets, and one each for the corner/quad bet and the straight-up bet. Let's how this works:
2 units on the double street to cover the numbers: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
2 units on the double street to cover teh numbers: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
1 unit on the corner/quad to cover the numbers: 17, 18, 20, 21
1 unit on your favorite number (of course, it should be one that is not covered by one the above bets.)
But how good is this online roulette strategy when it come to the winnings? Roulette2000 explain now the payouts of this betting pattern:
• The double-street bets pay 5 to 1; if one of these numbers comes up, having placed 2 units, you will 10 units, gaining a profit of 6 units (you lose 4 units: 2 for the other double-street bet, and onf each for the straight-up bet and the corner bet).
• The corner/quad bet pays 8 to 1; if one of these four numbers will come up, you'll win 8 units, gaining a profit of 3 units (you'll lose 5 units: 4 for the double-street bets, and 1 for the straight-up bet).
• The straight-up bet pays 35 to 1; if your chosen number will come up, you'll winn 35 units, for a profit of 30 units (you'll lose 5 units in total: 4 for the double-street bets, and 1 for the corner/quad bet).
Of course you won't become rich with this online roulette betting strategy, as you'll gain small profits, but you'll extend considerably your time at the table - and most of all, roulette is a game, not a mean to gain money.
Roulette2000 advice you to learn well the roulette rules, the odds and payouts of every bet, and to practice online roulette on free roulette websites, to gains familiarity with the roulette table layout, the way to place the best and so on. This way you'll surely have more fun while playing online roulette!