Roulette Betting Systems

Speaking of roulette strategies, you can't avoid speaking of roulette betting systems.

First of all, we would like to remind you all to play roulette (as welle as other casino games) responsibly and to remember that you should play mainly for entertainment. Online roulette is not a game that'll let you get rich in no time, despite many online roulette sites telling you so. When playing online roulette, remember that nothing is guaranteed (no betting pattern, no system, nothing) and here, the word "guaranteed to win" will only be preceeded by "not".

The first advice if you're new to playing roulette, is to learn roulette rules, to get a grasp of the many possible roulette bettings, and also to familiarize yourself with the online roulette odds and payouts.

Here follows a brief description of the five most famous roulette betting systems, complete with links to the page describing each roulette betting system, to cover it in detail.
The different roulette betting patterns we list are:

The Martingale System – the most common and widespread roulette strategy; its strong point is that you are likely to win at online roulette in the short term with this betting system; the downside is that one series of losses can make you dry up your bankroll very fast.

Martingale System variants – due to its fame, the Martingale roulette system knows a lot of variants; Roulette2000 explains two online roulette strategies, for gamblers: the Anti-Martingale system and the Grand Martingale system.

The Labouchère System – this is a roulette betting system that can be applied to all the even chance bets. Even if it's a progressive betting strategy, it does not require the player to risk its stake as dramatically as the Martingale system.

The D'Alembert System – this betting strategy, is favored by players who want to keep the amount of their bets and losses to a minimum (it goes without syaing that winnings too are modest).

The Fibonacci System – this roulette betting system make use of a safer betting progression, when compared to the Martingale System; with this betting strategy you only have to win half as many as you lose to result a winner (provided, of course, that you don't hit a long series of losses).

The Paroli System – this roulette betting system is the exact opposite of the Martingale system, as it uses a progrssion that increase your bets when you win, instead than when you lose.

The Oscar's Grind System – one of the most conservative roulette betting strategy, which can help you at winning in the short run, providing you're lucky (but that is true for every online roulette system: roulette, is mainly a game of luck)

The Cuban Betting System – Used in pre-Fidel Castro Cuba (hence the name), it's an interesting system for roulette players who want to keep low their betting amounts and not increase their wagers.